The Therapy Journals of the Fat-Headed Klingon Woman

One woman's journey to becoming Her True Self

A Week’s Worth of Letters in One Handy Post! April 14, 2014

Filed under: A-Z — DDKlingonGirl @ 9:27 am
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Hello all!  Well, despite my best intentions, I have fallen behind on the blogging challenge.  I normally write while I am at work, and we moved our offices last week.  It took a few days for our internet to be turned back on, and what with one thing and another, I was unable to stay the course.  But I’m back now, and I will try to give you a 6 For 1 post.  Wish me luck!


F- Fear:  My son is 12.  He will be 13 in only a few weeks.  This is scary.  He is a wonderful, bright, loving, funny kid with a ton of potential.  But he has a few issues.  Impulse control.  Anger management.  Social cues.  Sometimes it is really hard for me to know exactly how to handle him when he is having a bad day, and when that happens, my fear grows exponentially.  Because he is only 12.  What happens when he outsizes me by a foot, is stronger, and more ruled by raging teenage hormone syndrome?  In theory, I stomp the guts out of my current fear, get a grip on him now, and by the time he is 16 he will be well under control, right?  I really hope so.  He is so special and sweet sometimes that the thought of my failing in the task of getting him ready for adulthood is absolutely unbearable.


G- Good times:  It has been a good weekend.  I have had a lot going on, and much of it has focused on churchy things.  Friday night I went to a Ladies’ Retreat at a nearby church camp.  It was hosted by my home congregation, and was a nice evening.  I only stayed for part of it, because not staying overnight was the only way I could get Daughter S. to go.  She is a homebody deluxe, and the only way she was willing to at least go for the Friday portion of the weekend was if she didn’t have to spend the night.  So we drove out to the camp, enjoyed the dinner and visiting with other ladies.  Mom and I did a skit wherein I played a Tech Support person answering a call about how to “install Love” and I read the whole thing in a “typical tech support India-type accent.”  I hope no one is offended by that, but I guess if you are… lighten up, for crimeny sakes!  Mom and Daughter J. stayed the night and planted flowers for the camp the next day with the rest of the ladies.  Daughter S. and I drove home that night and on Saturday I drove up to another Ladies’ Day at my friend’s church.  After that, I hung out at her house, and we went to a cupcake shop in the next town, watched really tacky movies that totally negated all our church stuff from before, and ate pizza.  But we laughed ourselves silly and had a good time.


H- Help:  When we moved our offices Monday night, which by the way took place in a raging rainstorm, we could not have done it without the help of two members of our board of directors.  One of them apparently has the nickname “Ox,” and trust me when I say, we needed one.  We moved only a few blocks away from where we were, but the new location involved a 6-story elevator ride OR 6 flights of stairs, and we had a lot of large, heavy office furniture.  They managed to fit almost all the heavy stuff in the elevator (one at a time, obvs.) except for one very tall bookcase, which they manhandled up SIX FLIGHTS OF STAIRS!  It took half an hour.  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate and respect the effort that must have taken.  I was still at our old location overseeing the last of the packing, but wow.  We basically started moving at about 6:30 and by 10:30 we had everything in the new offices.  It was quite an achievement, if I do say so myself.  And now I am absolutely loving my new office and my new view.  Except for the one problem that still remains, which is that I can’t get my most important printer back online.

Well we're movin' on up...!

Well we’re movin’ on up…! (The view from my new 6th floor office on Tuesday 4/8/14)


I- Incredible Creativity:  My aforementioned 12-year-old son went with me to help on set construction for the current play at my beloved community theater yesterday.  He loves helping with hammers, power drills, and paintbrushes, but yesterday they were still sort of in the engineering stages and there wasn’t much for him to do.  He did a few little tasks, but in between, with materials obtained from the generosity of the set design supervisor, The Boy actually made his own Harry Potter wand!  Set Design gave him a half-inch dowel and a glue gun, and he proceeded to make a swirly grip from glue lines around the handle, and he sanded and painted it and there it was!  It looks pretty good, too.  He’s such a character.  I think he has his sights set on building a yard shed/clubhouse next!  The yard shed part, I totally welcome!


J- Joke:  As in “This weather is a…”  Yes.  We live in Oklahoma.  It’s April 14.  It’s usually about 85 degrees by now.  Today…?  It’s FORTY DEGREES!!  I know some of y’all are used to that sort of thing, but here it’s just downright bizarre!  Don’t get me wrong- I don’t mind it at all.  I love the cold.  I want to go to Alaska.  The point is, it just seems a little on the weird side.  But maybe I’m wrong.  Easter is this weekend, and it seems like there is usually one last cold snap before Easter.


K- Keep your eyes on the skies!  Yes, despite the fact that today feels more like February than April, yesterday was our first round of potentially severe weather.  Last night at around 6:00 the storms were coming into our area and despite the fact that we live in a brick house, we headed over to my parents’ house where there is a cellar.  Just one of the many joys of living in this part of the world.  Luckily for us, nothing much happened in my town.  The weather just seemed to split and go north and south of us.  But as we all know, that was the herald of spring here in Southern Oklahoma, and there will be more nervous, sky-watching, cellar-hiding nights ahead in the next few months.

Nature is amazing!

Nature is amazing!




This was the wall cloud that covered our entire area last night about 6:30 PM! Scary, right??

This was the wall cloud that covered our entire area last night about 6:30 PM! Scary, right??
















Next post I will deal with the letter I’m actually supposed to be using today, which is L.  Hopefully I’m not all blogged out before I can at least catch up to today, where I’m supposed to be!


Until next time,



The Therapy Journals of the Fat-Headed Klingon Woman

One woman's journey to becoming Her True Self

Shawn L. Bird

Original poetry, commentary, and fiction. All copyrights reserved.


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